Our Services

Among all the specialties Cure CloudMed handles billing and coding for, Ambulatory Surgery Centers Billing stands out as one of the most intricate yet proficient specialties in its portfolio. Also known as Keyhole surgeries and laparoscopic surgeries, ASCs oversee same-day surgeries for patients, mirroring the efficiency of your practice. In this regard, we keep pace with collections, ensuring they are processed within a few days if not on the same day.

What benefits do our ASC Coding and Billing Services provide for you?

  • HIPAA-Compliance

    Cure CloudMed adheres to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. It's not only sufficient to state that we comply with every regulated billing protocol, but we also follow them with utmost dedication.

  • Transparency

    We greatly appreciate collaborative decision-making, and we actively engage in it with equal enthusiasm. It's your practice, and our suggestions are geared towards what's best for you and your practice. The ultimate authority lies in your decisions.


Proficient expertise in medical coding and billing for Ambulatory Surgery Centers:

  • Plastic
  • Orthopedics
  • GI
  • Urology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Pain Management